“Liv’s College Diaries”: Podcast Episode

A photo of an old university library. Lot os nature and greenery are seen around it, as well as students enjoying the outdoor spaces.
Image by rainesMD. Found on Pixabay.com


Welcome to Liv’s College Diaries, where we dive into the heart of college life. Today, we’re exploring a serene yet impactful part of our campuses, the outdoor spaces. Let’s discover how these green havens boost our well -being, academics, and social connections.

Imagine a place where stress fades away, creativity blooms, and friendships blossom. Outdoor spaces on campus aren’t just pretty backdrops. They play a vital role in enhancing our college experience.

First, let’s talk about mental health. Studies show that spending time in nature reduces stress and improves mental well -being. Whenever I’m overwhelmed, I take a walk around campus. The fresh air and greenery help me clear my mind and recharge.

Next, let’s look at academic benefits. Green spaces have been proven to boost concentration and creativity. Outdoor study sessions amidst nature can enhance focus and inspire new ideas. It’s a great way to break the monotony of indoor classrooms.

Lastly, outdoor spots are social hubs. They’re where students connect, relax, and form lasting friendships. When the weather gets warmer, my friends and I like to set up a picnic blanket and sit outside to enjoy the warm weather.

So next time you pass by a green space on campus, take a moment to appreciate its impact on your life. Whether it’s for mental health, academic performance, or social connections, these outdoor spaces are more valuable than we might realize.

Thanks for listening to Liv’s College Diaries. Tune in next time for more insights into college life.

The Process

The Equipment

In order to record the audio portion of the project, I used the Voice Memos app on my phone to record. It made it easier to transfer the audio file between the different softwares. I also used it to record any extra sound effects or audios to include in the background of the podcast, such as the sounds of nature.

The Software and AI

I used SoundTrap in order to edit the video. I found it very easy to use in order to add the intro/outro music, the sound effects, as well as the transitions between the different topics. It was also very helpful when I needed to cut down some of the talking segments in order to make it fit the time limit. With AI, I used it in order to help me form an outline to the podcast.

Credit and Attributions


I did my podcast on the benefits of green/outdoor spaces on campus and how they can have a positive impact on students. To read more on how these can directly benefit students, visit OMNIA Partners article titled The Importance of Activating Outdoor Spaces on College Campuses and Learning By Design Magazine article titled Outdoor Spaces Help Promote Mental Health and Wellness on Campus.

Music and Media

For the music and any other extra sound effects that I needed, I found it off of Pixabay. Pixabay allows you to find free audios, videos, images, and even music to use for your own projects.

Coni101 Podcast

Decorative Image
Picture drawn by Coni Vigna. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA


The Process

I started the process of making my podcast by outlining and scripting it. I outlined it by myself and then used Microsoft’s CoPilot to turn the outline into a scrift. I tweaked the script once it was generated to make it more applicable to my format. To record, I used my phone’s microphone and the voice memos app. To edit the podcast, I used Adobe Audition, which I had never used before but I caught on very quickly because it is very similar to Adobe Premiere Pro which I have used in years past.


Alexander Astin’s Theory of Student Involvement

Nancy Schlossberg’s Marginality & Mattering


Hello, Listener. Welcome to Coni 101. This episode is all about the benefits of getting involved at school. Have you ever wondered why some students seem to excel in both academics and extracurriculars? This is because getting involved at school leads to better grades.

Extracurricular activities have students develop essential skills that lead them to success inside and outside of the classroom. Skills such as leadership, time management, and teamwork are taught in classes, but the full extent of them can’t be understood until they are applied in the real world. For example, students will learn a little bit about teamwork in a group project, but they won’t understand the full extent of it because at the end of the day they just want the best grade they can get. Working towards a common goal, making mistakes, and learning from them is really how students can learn teamwork.

While in extracurricular activity, students can also build a support network. When a student spends a lot of time with a specific club or job, they build relationships with other students and staff. Alexander Astin said, the student is spending time on the campus, thus increasing the likelihood that he or she will come into contact with other students, professors, and college staff.

This takes us to our last point, personal growth and confidence. When coming to college, it is a lot of students’ first time being independent and managing their life. In Nancy Schlossberg’s Marginality and Mattering, she cites a study by Morris Rosenberg who says, quote, mattering is a motive. The feeling that others depend on us, are interested in us, are concerned with our fate, or experience us as an ego extension exercises a power influence on our actions, end quote.

In conclusion, it is important for students to get involved because it teaches them new skills, it fosters a strong support network, and it leads to personal confidence inside and outside the classroom.

For more information on what I’ve discussed, you can check out my sources. Alexander Astin’s Theory of Student Involvement, Nancy Schlossberg’s Marginality and Mattering, and Morris Rosenberg’s Mattering.

So, if you want to boost your grades, consider joining a club, job, or sports team at your school. It might just be the key to your success.

Podcast Final

Three multi color crochet coasters layered partly on top of each other.
Photo by KelseyAnne


Creating the Podcast

I used an audio recorder to record my podcast.

I used Soundtrap to edit my podcast.

The only help I received from AI tools was to create the basic structure of my outline.


The blog I got the pattern for the coasters I made is tl yarn crafts. The photo above is some of the coasters that I have already made.

The yarn that I used to make my coasters is Loops & Threads Everyday CottonTM.

The music I used is called At the Playhouse by Michael Ramir C. The background sound effects that I used were found on Soundtrap.


Hey, y'all and welcome to my podcast about making crochet coasters. So, overall break, I was with my mom and Michael's, and I ended up getting cotton yarn to make coasters. And I realized they are very easy to make the design I'm doing takes about an hour to make one. So, I wanted to make some for my siblings as a gift. They are an easy gift to make. And well we are all starting to collect knick-knacks and home items for apartments, dorm rooms, or just for when we're living on our own. You need to use cotton yarn because cotton yarn is more heat resistant then acrylic or polyester and I'm using the design called Sunrise coaster, design that found on the internet. It looks kind of like flower, so don't know if I'm gonna give that to my brother yet, but it's what I'm using right now. Each sibling is going to get a set of four and they're going be different colors. I have five different colors of multicolored yarn and I'm going to make all the sets and then figure out which sibling I want to give it to. I might make a holder for The Coasters I made or just give them to them in a bag, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for listening to my podcast about coasters. And hope you enjoyed it. 

Surviving College With Neurodiversity

This is an image of an open book with audio coming out of it

Creating My Podcast

To create my podcast, I recorded the audio using the Voice Memo app on my iPhone and uploaded the files to my MacBook. I used GarageBand to edit the recordings and to add music and sound effects. For music, I downloaded royalty-free music from Miskit. I used Google Gemini AI to create my image, and Microsoft Copilot for initial outline ideas.


Intro and Outro music is by Lily J, downloaded from Mixit.

Image generated by Google Gemini.

Additional information from VitalSource and International Dyslexia Association.


Hello, and welcome to the Surviving College with Neurodiversity podcast. I’m Leah, your host, and I’m excited to talk with you about how, as someone with dyslexia, I adjusted to the huge increase in reading assignments in college by using text-to-speech software. So the problem for students with dyslexia, for example, is that it just takes a very long time to read. It’s also much more difficult to comprehend the reading and retain the information. And with the sheer increase in reading assignments that college students face, it can be very overwhelming.

The first piece of advice I’ll give any student with a language-based learning disability is to always purchase the electronic version of the text. This is simply because most electronic versions will usually have some text-to-speech option, which we’ll just refer to as TTS. Now, I’ve purchased electronic texts through several different online vendors, and my preference is VitalSource. I like this platform because it offers several features that are user-friendly. You can choose a reading voice, and they don’t sound computerized. They’re very easy to listen to. Also, you can choose the speed which you’d like to have your text read. 

Sometimes, you might be assigned a literature book. If you’re able to, I really like to purchase these on my Kindle with the Audible extension. In the Kindle app, I can highlight and take notes while I listen along using Audible. But I also listen to the Audible at other times, like when I’m walking around campus or driving in a car. This enables me to make the most of the time I have available. 

That’s all we have time for today. Thanks for joining me, I hope I was able to show you some new tools that you can use in your college classes, that will help you be efficient and successful.

My Podcast – ‘There’s More to Life than Sports’

Family sitting together on the couch in sports jerseys and eating snacks, while watching television.
Image generated by Microsoft Copilot.


This is Alexa and today I’m going to share why I think that sports are a crucial bonding activity for families. I’m sure most people have heard the phrase, ‘there’s more to life than sports,’ and I completely agree. There is more to life than sports, but they provide a way for us to appreciate the most important thing: our families. One of the most evident benefits of watching sports together is that it sets aside a specific time for families to gather together and relax. No matter the sport, as a family gathers together around the TV, they’re talking and laughing and spending important quality time together. From as early as I can remember, my family has sat together and watched football on Sundays. Even though I don’t necessarily enjoy the sport itself, I always look forward to this time together. Football Sundays are a big deal in my house, and they’re a tradition I plan to continue with my own family one day. Even as a kid, sports are an important part of your life. There are so many studies that show that sports are important not only for a child’s physical health, but also their mental well-being. This can also be the case with watching sports. Children can watch sports with their parents and learn the rules and the intricacies of the game. As I mentioned earlier, I was never a big sports fan; I didn’t and still don’t really enjoy playing sports, but while watching sports with my dad and my brothers, I learned a lot about competition and sportsmanship. Growing up, the boys’ love for sports extended outside of the TV as well. On countless Sundays there’d be family football games in the front yard, where my brothers attempted to teach me specific routes. Learning about sports has led me to have a healthy amount of competitiveness and has taught me a lot about the world. And lastly, the memories that a family makes while watching sports are immeasurable. From seeing your favorite team win the Super Bowl to attempting a new recipe for your family to try; these are the stories that are going to be passed down for generations to come. For my dad’s birthday a couple years ago, my brothers and I took him to a Redskins game, which was my first football game ever, and one of my favorite memories. So long story short, grab your family, pick a sport, and enjoy the game, because while you’re rooting for your favorite team, you’re learning that there’s more to life than sports.



To record this podcast, I used my phone and my wired Apple headphones. I also then used my laptop to edit the recordings.


I used the Voice Memo application on my phone for the recordings themselves. I then uploaded them to my laptop and edited the recordings using SoundTrap. For the intro/ outro music, as well as one of the sound effects, I used Envato.

AI Help

I used Microsoft Copilot to help me create the general outline for the assignment, to which I then created the script and added my own personal anecdotes. Also, I used Microsoft Copilot to create the image for this post.

Credit & Attributions

Podcast created and edited by Alexa Kincaid.

Intro is by INPLUSMUSIC. Downloaded via Envato.

Family Group Joke Laughter is by FxProSound. Downloaded via Envato.

Commentary is by Joe Davis from Dodgers versus Mets game, October 16, 2024.

Crowd Noise is from Dodgers versus Mets game, October 16, 2024.

Image generated by Microsoft Copilot.

This topic was chosen based on personal experience, but additional information was provided by Meaningfulness of Watching Sports as a Family and Benefits of Watching Sports with Family.

Christian Speaks (To You) Podcast Ep. 1

Our Shrinking Attention Span

AI generated image of representation of all the distractions we face which affect our attention span.
Image generated by Microsoft Copilot.


Hello everyone and welcome to Christian speaks to you. On this podcast, we’re going be going over, decreasing attention spans and sharing some helpful tips that you can help Implement in your own life to hopefully improve your concentration. So a little of background on the topic, technology, particularly social media, texting, smartphones and other forms of short form content can give a greater number of distractions. Not allowing to focus on a singular thing at one time. And this is a very big issue because it takes longer for to do things like, completing assignments, and other tasks, and you have an increase of stress level, when focused on multiple different things and you have the tendency to make more errors, if you’re working on multiple things and not focused. So, your first tip to help increase your attention span. This comes from George Washington University, is reading. Reading a book, can help increase your attention span. It helps to train the mind to concentrate on the task. That being reading the words that on page, a tip is when starting out is to mute phone or your computer, depending on how you read or maybe even your tablet, this avoids distractions, like notification dings and other things like that, and try to focus reading for 20 to 30 minutes straight without losing concentration. Another helpful tip you can Implement is to do what’s called the spider technique. This is essentially just training yourself to ignore different notifications every time they ding just train yourself to not look and eventually it’ll become second nature to ignore those kind of things while you’re focusing on something. Another thing you could do is constantly repeat the phrase be here now, to remind yourself to focus on what you’re doing in moment and not worrying about something else. So the final tip of this podcast is going be to tell you to out and some exercise. It’s good for your physical health. It’s good for your mental health, but can also help to improve your brain function, by ensuring that the blood circulates properly. I recommend walking outside, you get some of the fresh air, you get some of the sights and you get some of the sounds, it’s very relaxing. It’s helpful. And it’s much more enjoyable than walking inside. Thanks for listening. I hope these tips were helpful.

Behind the Scenes

Creating this podcast was a fun experience, and getting to play around with different recording and editing tools was very fun as well. To create this podcast I recorded the main monologue with a Sennheiser headset’s built in microphone. To record the book page turning sound effects and the walking over leaves sound, I utilized my iPhone and the voice memos app to record close to the subject. My MacBook was utilized to edit the audio using Sountrap and to export it. The only part of this podcast that was assisted by A.I. was that of the image posted above, as I am better at speaking than drawing.


This podcast topic was based on personal interest into attention span and the effects technology has on it. But the research on attention spans and tips for overcoming a shortened attention span are courtesy of: CBS News, George Washington University, and Kansas State University. Music is “Moonlight Drive” by Yunior Arrante downloaded via bensound.com.


A girl listening to ASMR with headphones on. The photo has a background of muted colored feathers.
Via Canva AI

The making of audio

What equipment?

The only two tools I used was my iPhone for the main recording and the YouTube app on my computer for the copyright-free music.

What software?

I chose to simply record on my iPhone voice memo app. I don’t generally know how to edit and record using fancy equipment, so this was the easiest tool for me. I also used the audio library from YouTube for the music choice as they are all royalty free.

Help from AI?

For this project, the only instance I used AI was for the script pacing and general talking points for this project. I also used AI for the picture above from Canva.


Online resources

ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) is a tingling sensation that goes hand in hand with feelings of relaxation. The effects of ASMR is a great article that dives deep into the science as to how and why ASMR has calming effects.

This Forbes article explains a study from the University of Sheffield on how ASMR helps with stress reducing aspects related to meditation. ASMR not only reduces stress, but also helps lower levels of sadness. The participants who are frequent listens of ASMR typically have lower heartbeats while watching ASMR.


Music by Everet Almond from YouTube audio library. Find more from Everet Almond via bandcamp.


Introduction (0:00-0:20):

Introduction and explain the concept of ASMR

  • Hello everyone! Welcome back to Erin’s blog. For today’s topic, I will be discussing autonomous sensory meridian response, or as it’s more commonly known as, ASMR. ASMR is a tingling sensation felt when listening to certain sounds. The euphoric feeling starts in the scalp and works its way down the neck and spine creating a sense of tranquility. 

Segment 1: ASMR triggers? (0:20-0:40)

Discuss common ASMR triggers—this is where I add two sound effects

  • There are many sounds that can trigger the tingling sensation. Like tapping *Tap my wooden dresser* or rubbing a certain material *Rub my cloth laundry bag*. The sensations send a rush of dopamine, resulting in calmness and  relaxation to the listener. Usually, the sounds are soft and quiet to trigger the tingling sensation associated with ASMR. 

Segment 2: Why I like ASMR (0:40-1:10)

Talk about how ASMR helps me unwind and relax before bed

  • ASMR is a personal preference, an acquired taste, if you will. I have found that ASMR helps me with not only feeling calm, but also when I get headaches. The tingling sensation helps with appeasing the headache and helps it not hurt anymore. I like listening to ASMR right before bed to relax me. I close my eyes and just listen and focus on the sounds I hear and the sensations I have. I struggle with anxiety, so ASMR helps me and my brain with focusing on something else besides my panic attacks. 

Segment 3: ASMR in Media (1:10-1:40)

Talk about the rise of ASMR on YouTube and TikTok

  • So where did it come from? ASMR became huge on YouTube a few years ago. Suddenly, everybody had a microphone and all these different sensation enhancers like brushes, water globes, and foam to squeeze on the microphone. After TikTok became global, everyone started putting ASMR on there as well as it was very popular. They gained thousands of followers who were desperate to feel the tingling sensations. And still today, sometimes I come across a TikTok live of someone doing ASMR. It’s not as popular as it once was, but people will always remember how it made them feel, so there will always be a market for it.  

Conclusion (1:40-2:00)

Recap the main points discussed

  • In conclusion, ASMR not only helps with calming down and relaxation, it can help you fall asleep faster, and the tingling sensations can help with headaches. The feelings it promotes can help with anxiety, as the brain is focused on something else and ASMR can help improve mood as it calms. All in all, ASMR is a great technique for relaxation as it helps the listeners with achieving peace through sounds and sensations. Thanks for listening!

What’s the best cat treats?

Cat with treats next to them.
Picture created by Canva AI Generator

Process of creating the podcast

I created a short audio project about the best cat treats. I used my phone to record the clips, then I used Soundtrap to edit all the clips. I used sound clips of my cats eating treats, purring, and meowing. I also used one cat meow audio clip from pixabay by the artist philsapphire. I used a free stock music clip from Mixkit. I used AI in the beginning when I created the outline and changed it to fit my liking.

Transcript attached below


Cat meow | Royalty-free Music – Pixabay

Download Free Mellow Stock Music MP3 | Mixkit

10 Best Cat Treats (Healthy & Tasty) | 2024 Reviews – Catster

7 Best Cat Treats – 2024 Reviews & Buyers Guide | Hepper

Choosing the Best Cat Treats | Preventive Vet


*Cats purring than meowing*

Welcome to purrfect treats, where we explore the best treats to make your cats day extra special.

*Cat’s meowing*

Now for the purpose of treats, they’re more than just tasty snacks. They can be used for training, dental health and even just to show your love. But there is so many options how do you choose the best one?

*Cats crunching on treats*

Now it is time to dive into some of the top rated cat treats available today in October 2024.

Treat number one is : PureBites Chicken Breast Freeze-Dried Cat Treats. This is the best overall because it is only made with chicken; no extra ingredients and was rated highly on Hepper.com.

For treat number two, we go to Cat-Man-Doo Extra Large Dried Bonito Flakes. These are bone dried fish flakes, they are low in calories, no additives or extra ingredients and they are number 1 on catster.com

Why are these treats number 1? We believe they’re number  because the ingredients are simple and are easier for the cat’s digestive system.

*Cat’s meowing*

Here are some types from your veterinarians on choosing the best treats for your cats. Tip number one, look for treats with natural ingredients and avoid artificial additives. Tip number two, cats are carnivores, therefor they want treats cooked with meat and only meat. Now tip number three, moderation is key. Cats don’t have a large belly so treats should only make up a small part of their diet.

*Cat meowing*

Now choosing the right treat can make a big difference in your cats happiness and health.

Thank you for listening to purrfect treats.

*cat crunching on treats* fade out classical music.

Podcast Outline & Test Recording

Podcast Topic

I would like to title my podcast “Hot Girl Croc Walk.” A hot girl walk is widely known and essentially a group of girls that go on a walk together and gossip. This idea to add the crocs aspect to this podcast came about when I was on a hot girl walk with my friend and I was wearing crocs. I thought it would be a perfect rendition of the normal hot girl walk if my guest and I are both wearing crocs as we walk and talk. When my friend and I were on our walk we were having some pretty in-depth conversations. I thought it would be perfect to record some of it and make it into a podcast.

Podcast Outline

Podcast Title: Hot Girl Croc Walk

Introduction (30 seconds)

  1. Host Introduction (Background music: upbeat instrumental 5-10 seconds)
    • Briefly introduce yourself and the podcast.
    • Explain the concept of “Hot Girl Croc Walk.”
  2. Guest Introduction (Background music fades out)
    • Introduce the guest with a quick bio.

Segment 1: 2 questions (30 seconds each)

  1. First Question (Background sound: recorded sound 1)
    • Question depends on the guest of the podcast.
  2. Second Question (Background sound fades out)
    • Question concludes the discussion well.

Conclusion (30 seconds)

  1. Final Thoughts (Background sound: recorded sound 1)
    • Thank the guest and ask them to share what color/kind of crocs they are wearing.

Outro (10 seconds)

Thank listeners for their time and hint at the next premiering guest.

Sign-Off (Recorded Sound 2)

End with a catchy sign-off phrase.

Where and What Sounds

I will record outside walking around campus. I want to capture a squeaky croc sound effect as well as some type of girly hype sounds. I want to use the squeaky croc sound for my outro as if we were walking away from the camera in out crocs. I will also find a good intro music.

Outline Planning

I used AI to help with the outlining. I took the details of what we were required to have and compiled them into multiple questions until I got an understanding of what a podcast outline with time and sounds should look like. Below is the conversation between Copilot and me.

Sent by you: write a detailed outline for a conversational interview for a podcast titled “hot girl croc walk”

Sent by you: can you make it 2 minutes total

Sent by you: I need 2 instances of background sound and 5-10 seconds of an intro sound to the outline

Copilot: Got it! Here’s the updated outline with background and intro sound cues:

Podcast Title: Hot Girl Croc Walk

Introduction (30 seconds)

  1. Host Introduction (Background music: upbeat instrumental)
    • Briefly introduce yourself and the podcast.
    • Explain the concept of “Hot Girl Croc Walk.”
  2. Guest Introduction (Background music fades out)
    • Introduce the guest with a quick bio.

Segment 1: Quick Insights (1 minute)

  1. Personal Background (Background sound: light ambient music)
    • Ask about their background and journey in a few sentences.
  2. Hot Girl Croc Walk Concept (Background sound fades out)
    • Discuss what “Hot Girl Croc Walk” means to them.
    • Share a quick tip on rocking Crocs confidently.

Conclusion (30 seconds)

  1. Final Thoughts (Background music: soft instrumental)
    • Ask for one piece of advice for listeners.
    • Thank the guest and provide info on where to follow them and the podcast.

Outro (10 seconds)

  1. Sign-Off (Intro sound: catchy jingle)
    • End with a catchy sign-off phrase.
    • Encourage listeners to subscribe and review.

This should help create a dynamic and engaging listening experience! Is there anything else you’d like to adjust?

Test Recording


I will use Lapel Mics because the environment will be outside, and it might have background noise as well as movement as we are walking.

Project Outline and Test Recording

Getting the topic:

My topic will be family leadership because I want to do the same thing online as I do in the real world for my colleagues, family members and community who are the major targets or audience for the project. I will talk about how healthy family relationships are important, what are some of the main reasons conflict happens in family and some of the ways to resolve family conflicts.

Doing the script:

I will spend 30 seconds for the introduction, 1 minute talking about how to resolve conflicts in family and 30 seconds for the conclusion.

Introduction: Family is very important in every society. Family should have the environment to allow each member of the family to feel welcomed, respected, understood and considered as important to the family. Family members should support one another to deal with issues.   

Why conflict arises: Because conflict is normal in every relationship, sometimes it happens among family members too.  Conflict may arise when there is misunderstanding or when a member or members fail to do what they are required to do as duties and responsibilities. To maintain healthy family relationships, conflicts should be resolved peacefully and timely.  

Some ways to resolve conflict in a family: When family members show unconditional love, care, and support for one another, this builds trust and a feeling of belonging that helps to resolve conflicts. Mutual hate, deception, gossip, jealousy, and backstabbing will do the opposite.

Conflicts also get resolved quickly and peacefully when family members spend quality time together, for example for outdoor activities, vacations, or even doing house chores together. Interaction during such times of affection helps to resolve conflicts.

Open and frank communication among family members also helps to resolve conflicts. Members should be able express opinions, ideas and feelings when hurt or offended. The member who is at fault should take responsibility to either apologize or do the right thing.  

Conclusions: Having a strong family relationship is very important. It helps provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, stability, and unity in the family. Conflicts get resolved peacefully and timely when family members trust and support each other, engage in family activities of affection together and have open communication between them.

Equipment needed:

I will use the Microsoft Sound Recorder recorder on my laptop.


I will read the script and make the recording in a quiet place at my home. I will do this when the kids and family members are out of the house so that there will be no noise. I will put on soft jazz or smooth music at the background. I have done a 14 seconds test recording.
