Openness on the internet allows the sharing of knowledge and collaboration of many users around the world. This allows someone to access answers and solutions to various problems with a simple search, which would otherwise have cost an exorbitant amount of time or money. In addition, the collaboration of ideas allows a much more efficient progression of research than could be completed separately.
Potential methods of publishing work openly include publishing content on websites such as Wikipedia, Youtube, or GitHub, in addition to the many places where authors and artists publish their work for free for anyone on the internet to view. These open-access websites allow all internet users to access and use the content without paying, creating a more collaborative society.
Providing accessibility measures when creating content allows the information to be accessed and viewed by all people, regardless of any disabilities or other obstacles they might have to viewing content. In addition to making content available to everyone, such measures can make viewing information easier for people who aren’t included in the target group, such as people with ADHD who might focus easier on a video by utilizing closed captions, although the captions are originally intended to help deaf or hard of hearing people.
Accessibility measures that can be implemented include closed captions on any video content, a transcript for audio or video content, clearly defined headers for text, image descriptions, and labeled links. Although implementing these measures might cost some extra time and work, they create ease of use for all kinds of people trying to access the content. Find more information on how to make online content accessible here: How To Make Your Online Content Accessible