Who is the internet for?

blue background with white writing stating Access to Information and Knowledge.  Open laptop with the screen being on open book.



Having openness within the internet makes it easier for indivudials to access information. It lets people move from page to page to find the information they are looking for. It allows individuals to research topics, old and new. As everyone knows, knowledge is power. It allows information to be shared and improved on.


You are able to make your page more accessable by not making payment a requirement. Openness can be as simple as Social Media.



The more accessable information is on the internet the more you can know. The more people that can access your page the more knowledge you can spread. Regardless of education level, having accessability on the internet allows everyont to gather information that they wouldn’t have had access to thirty five years ago.


By including alternate text it makes slow loading pages easier to see and understand. Alternate Text.


Jennie is currently a senior at the University of Mary Washington. She will be completing her final semester in December and will receive her Bachelor of Liberal Studies with a concentration in Leadership and Management. She has been married for 24 years and has two grown sons and one daughter-in-law. She has been working at her local social services for 13 years and loves her job.
